Thursday, October 19, 2017



As the Allies were winning in the European Theater, KAAF future assignment was looking very somber. By the end of the year, KAAF was becoming a storage depot for aircraft to be housed for the end of the war. KAAF Gunnery School was over and it had done the job it was asked to do for the war effort.


1-(a) Yucca AAF (Sub Base) personnel were to Squadron A of KAAF. They would be assigned to work at Yucca AAF. (b) Section B of the 3018th was divided into five flights. (c) The Base Mess Organization had three enlisted men’s messes, Numbers 2, 3, and 4. (bh)

3-A new designation was placed on the classes starting this year. (bh) KAAF Gunners remained undefeated by outscoring the Boulder City Central Market, 51-31. The team has won eight games straight games. (mcm)

4-The Personal Equipment Department was placed in the Altitude Training Unit. This depart­ment was part of the Training & Operations Department. (bh)

5-The Power Turret Maintenance Department ran an experiment on the effectiveness of the Short Round Eliminators of the .50 cal. These were the T1E4 and the T14. (bh)

7-Lieutenant Norman W. Cross was in an ac­cident in front of the Beale Hotel. His car was involved in a four-car pile-up on Front Street. His car and Patsy W. Giacoma’s car could drive away. Mrs. Giacoma is part of KAAF Civilian Staff. (mcm)

10-Major Arthur A. Schabinger spoke to the local Rotary Club. He discussed his sports back­ground and his work on the development of the “LastBilt” basketball. He is in charge of the Personnel Services at KAAF. As for the Gunners, they lost their first game to the highly talented Williams Field, AZ team. The score was 41-31. (mcm)

11-Sergeant Isaac Jacobsen, Cactus Editor, has been transferred to Scott Field, IL. Sgt. Jacob­sen is considered to one of the KAAF old timers since he has been here on the station since Decem­ber, 1942. (mcm)

15-(a) The sections designations of the 3018th Army Air Force Base Unit were changed to Squadrons. (b) The Air Inspector Office was transferred to Squadron A. (bh)

18-The KAAF Supply Branch has been practicing conservation on the field. They would take the used equipment in for repair and recondition­ing. So anything that is usable is being recy­cled. (mcm)

20-(a) The completion of the round eliminators was concluded and the T1E4 was the winner. Chief Warrant Officer C. H. McMillan conducted the project testing. (b) A 500 cu. in. air com­pressor was placed in the Production Line Main­tenance Hanger. (c) The Budget & Fiscal Office was moved to building J110. (bh)

31-Ground Safety finally had a permanent home at Building J110. (bh)


1-A cigarette rationing program was started by the Commissary, to limit one carton to a cus­tomer a week. (bh)

3-The KAAF’s Dance Orchestra played at the President’s Birthday Ball. It is being held in conjunction with the “March of Dimes” cam­paign. (mcm)

5-A quarterly refresher course for the gas cham­ber begins. This was just for the permanent party personnel. (bh)

8-Two bowling teams from KAAF qualified for the Ninth Service Command tourney at Ft. Douglas, UT. One would be on the 1st team and the other would be the 2nd team respect­fully. (mcm)

10 & 11-Kingman Army Air Field played host to the 82nd Wing Gunnery Meet that included Las Vegas Army Air Field and Yuma Army Air Field. KAAF team took the competition by scoring 757 points by sweeping four of the six events. (mcm)
12-The Armament Maintenance acquired a new gun cleaning basin. The basin was to save man-hours in cleaning. (bh)
14-The Gunners enter the Ninth Service Com­mand’s Southern District basketball tourney. (mcm)
17-The Gunners take the Championship in the Southern District at Camp Lockett, CA. Beating the five from Camp Ross by the score of 43-31. (mcm)
20-A P-39 pilot bailed out, because of engine trouble. (bh)
21-A policy was adopted by Headquarters, that any incoming permanent party personnel would be placed in Squadron A pending their job duty assignment. (bh)
22-The first convening of the Discharge Process­ing Board was held. (bh) Sergeant Stan Rojek leaves this station for another. (bh) He was the physical training instructor and the manager and shortstop of the Gunners baseball team. Before KAAF, he had played for the Brooklyn Dodgers. (mcm)
23-Another P-39 had engine trouble and the pilot and plane were lost. (bh)
26-Five B-17s flew in from Las Vegas AAF for maintenance and be part of the transition train­ing. (bh)

1-Private First Class Charles M. Power was killed instantly that morning when the mo­torcycle he was riding crashed into a telephone pole on the airfield. (mcm)
2-The local American Legion Post members were invited for dinner at the school. Fifteen also watched a drama called “The Regular Meeting”. (mcm)
12-The Air Inspector of Training was changed to Air Inspector of Training & Operations. (bh)
15-The Deputy Director for Training & Opera­tions became the Director of Training & Opera­tions. (bh) The test program on a disintegrating bullet was tested here as part of a bigger pro­gram. (mcm)
16-Flight Officer Emerson Lewer marries Leno­ra Fausett at the East Chapel on the base. (mcm)
22-Sergeant John W. Thompson is missing in action. He graduated from KAAF in December 1943 and served as an instructor at the field. He was assigned to the 15th Air Force and had completed 36 missions. (mcm)
24-The Shell Military Show was held at the post theater for two shows at 6:30 P. M. and 8:30 P. M. The show has six performers of a wide range of entertainment. (mcm)
25-A paper drive is held at the base. The base has a paper baler, so the local Boy Scout Troop will run the all-day drive. (mcm)
27-The “Canteen” was opened close to the flight line. It was a new food and fountain exchange. (bh)
28-The KAAF Quartet performed at the local Rotary Club meeting. (mcm)
29-The Kingman Army Air Field Rodeo is sched­ule for the 8th of April. (mcm)
31-Colonel Wheeler presented two Distin­guished Flying Cross to Lieutenant Herbert B. Hatch and Staff Sergeant Elmer Patton, Jr. Also, Staff Sergeant Herman H. Leash received an Air Medal. (bh)

1-Colonel Walter L. Wheeler took over as Base Commander from Colonel Phillips. (bh)
2-A Preventive Maintenance Program was started and there would be inspections. (bh)
5-Notification was given that no more classes would be entered the B-17 Flexible Gunnery Training. Cadets would be screened for the B-29. (bh)
8-KAAF was the host to a local rodeo on the base. Major A. J. Bazata is the base chairman and is helped by local ranchers, J. Leonard Neal and Elwood Moffet. It starts at 1 P. M. and the events include bull and bronco riding. (mcm)
9-Squadron B separated into two parts for bet­ter control. They were known as B1 and B2. (bh)
11-The Single Engine Maintenance Section moved its Line & Maintenance equipment to Yucca AAF. (bh)
14-Squadron C was split into five squadrons, they were known as C, C1, C2, C3, and C4. The Armament Sections of both KAAF and Yucca AAF are consolidated. (bh)

15-All troops are assembled at 1000 hrs at the Parade Grounds for a Special Commemoration Service for President Roosevelt’s passing. (bh)
16-(a) All single-engine aircraft are assigned to Yucca AAF and multi-engines are staying at KAAF. (b) Flight operations begin at Yucca AAF. (c) By now there were having some training problems in the Air Training program. (d) The frangible bullet program was introduced using .30 cal. (bh)
17-The Base Commander put into effect a reor­ganization order, changing squadron designa­tions. The Casual Detachment to Squadron K instead of Squadron H. The Gunnery Students in Training were assigned to Squadron H & I. Enlisted Men Graduate Pool was in Squadron L. Officer Co-Pilot Training was in Squadron M. Officer Gunnery Student were placed into Squadron N. All White Aviation Cadets went to Squadron O. The Chinese Gunnery Training Program was completed some time ago. (bh)
19-The last TB-26 towing mission is flown. (bh) A recreation building needs a facelift, so the base recreation department was looking for western articles for turning the building into a hunting lodge. (mcm)
23-(a) The post’s baseball team gets ready for the upcoming season by doing training work-outs. (b) Sixteen RP-63s were sent to shop maintenance technical modification of the engine. The engine would overheat in the hot weather. (bh)
24-The Co-Pilot Training Program is canceled. This was after 15 months of training. The B-17 Transition Training mock-ups are suspended. (bh) Private First Class Edwin E. Holton was killed by being struck by a vehicle at Yucca AAF. (mcm)
27-A new parachute is put into operations at KAAF. (bh)

8-Victory in Europe: Nazi Germany surrenders. There was a review held at 0900 hours by Colo­nel Wheeler. (bh)
11-Staff Sergeant John W. Thompson was re­turned to action after being placed on the Miss­ing In Action List. (mcm)
12 & 13-KAAF students went to Laredo, TX for the National Gunnery Meet and won. KAAF went to 12 gunnery meets and won 4 and this is the most by any school: 2 in ’43, 1 in ’44, and 1 in ’45. (bh)
13-(a) There was a Mother’s Day service at the base sponsored by the KAAF Servicemen’s Chris­tian League. (b) Chaplain Charles Austin of KAAF gives a baccalaureate sermon at the Mo­have County High School Gym. (mcm)
17-The first enlisted men are discharged by the points system. (bh)
18-The first officers are discharged by the points system. (bh)
20-A new vehicle inspection form was put into place to save man-hours of work. (bh)
21-All parachutes were transferred to Person­nel Equipment to Technical Supply. (bh)
22-All monies were placed into the 3018th Army Air Force Base Unit Consolidated Unit Fund. (bh)
26-Seventh War Loan Drive was a country store auction. This event help create more funds for the war effort. (mcm)
28-Major Arthur Bazata gave the Memorial Day Address at the State Theater in downtown King­man. (mcm)

1-Staff Sergeant Howard C. Ford dies to do to injuries from vehicles colliding into each other. (mcm)
2-Private First Class Donald J. Wilbenberg, Jr. died shortly after being shot accidentally by a .45 cal at Yucca AAF. (mcm)
7-The frangible ammo was ceased in being used due to the RP-63 aircraft and personnel trans­fers. (bh)
8-A TWX from Washington, D. C. was sent to the Public Relation Office. The message saying that KAAF would be temporary inactivated. (bh)
9-The Base Commander received a telegram that Station Disposition Board would visit there soon. (bh)
11-(a) Range 1 was deactivated. (b) The first a­nouncement of inactive status was made. (bh)
12-The Station Disposition Board arrived for a meeting with Base and Squadron Commanders. An announcement was made that KAAF would be temporary inactivated. (bh)

13-The Base Commander and the Disposition Board met and discussed the schedule for inacti­vation program would begin. (bh)
15-This was the day the inactivation program would begin. All Ranges’ personnel were con­solidated. Over 50% of the aircraft was ferried to other fields and the rest would be done by the end of the month. (bh)
18-Range 5 was deactivated. (bh)
21-Rumors floated around town that KAAF might be reactivated by the 4th Air Force. (mcm)
23-A love triangle ends in the deaths of Techni­cal Sergeant Waldemar A. Vernet and Mrs. Lila O. Laws. They were stabbed to death in a fight with Corporal Thurman E. Laws. (mcm)
28-The Court Martial of Corporal Thurman Laws is sentenced him to death by firing squad. (mcm)
5-The Mohave County Miner paper runs Colonel Wheeler’s Farewell Letter to the people of King­man. (mcm)
9-All the enlisted personnel were moved into one area. This was for the convenience of all the departments and facilities. (bh) Colonel Lance Call assumes command of KAAF from Colonel Wheeler. (mcm)
10-All squadrons were transferred to Squadron A. (bh)
19-Three hundred combat returnees were shipped out. (bh)
28-The Base Hospital was closed. But there was a “Stand-by Crew” still in place. (bh)

1-All flights in or out of KAAF had to go thru Needles Radio. The control tower at KAAF was closed down. (bh)
2-A big storm blew thru the area, damaging some building at KAAF and Yucca AAF. It caused minor damage. (bh) KAAF is put on temporary stand-by status. (mcm)
5-The military police at KAAF were placed on in­active status. Colonel Call lifts the curfew. (bh)
31-The Women Army Corps were transferred out of KAAF. (bh)

22-The local Veterans of Foreign Wars beat the KAAF Softball team with the score of 7 to 5. The veterans pull off a triple play against the base team. (mcm)
24-A telegram was received informing the field would be taken over at the end of the month. (bh)
25-The Base Weather Station was reopened. (bh) George Adams, chief of the Surplus War Aircraft Division of the RFC arrived in Kingman to meet with C. W. Berg, government supervisor for the project. KAAF will be used a RFC Storage Depot. (mcm)
27-All maintenance and repair would be done by the incoming personnel of the Air Technical Service Command. (bh)
29-The 3018th Army Air Force Base Unit was re-designated to the 4184th AAFBU. (bh)

1-A change in command came about, Western Flying Training Command turn KAAF over to the Air Technical Service Command. (bh)
4-Personnel arrived from Stinson Field, TX to handle the storage of the aircraft flying into this field. The personnel came from the 563rd Air Service Group, 1001st Air Material Squad­ron and 981st Engineering Squadron & Head­quarters & Base Services Squadron. (bh) Colonel Meadows, the base commander, was a guest of Mo­have County Chamber of Commerce. He spoke on what was happening at KAAF. (mcm)
6-Preparations were being made to receive the incoming aircraft for storage. (bh)
l0-The first aircraft were flying in for the Stor­age Depot 41. (bh) Colonel Phillips, the former base commander, made a short stop at the airfield to see how the field operations were progressing. (mcm)
23-Officer’s Club & Mess Hall burned down from a fire starting in the kitchen. (mcm)

1-Former KAAF plumber inspector W. H. Bones set up a plumbing shop in Kingman. (mcm)
23-A new program would begin with an agree­ment between ATSC of the San Bernardino AAF, CA and the Reconstruction Finance Corpora­tion. San Bernardino will have jurisdiction over KAAF. (bh)
24-Lieutenant Colonel John J. Ratigan assumed command of KAAF. (bh)

23-Yucca Army Air Field was closed and officially taken over by the Army Corps of Engineers. (bh)
26-Julian Myers, contractor for the RFC Sales & Storage Sub-Depot 41 spoke at the Kingman Rotary Club at the El Trovatore Café. (mcm)
31-There was a total of 4693 aircraft at KAAF. (bh)

copyright 1991-2017 


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Kingman Army Air Field A Trip through...... Kingman Arizona

This booklet was produced at the airfield during World War 2 operations.